Education at High Close
“Due to effective teaching and support, pupils leave school ready for their next steps.” Ofsted 2017.
The theme for skills week in May 2023 is ‘Investigation’.This time it is focused on the skill of 'investigation' and we will be doing a CSI-style investigation throughout the week, culminating in a mock trial of the suspects at the end of the week
The schedule for the week can be found here.
Every young person who arrives at High Close has experienced difficulties, but whatever the reason, there is a fresh start in a supportive, stimulating environment with high expectations of achievement. We work hard to ensure our teaching and learning results in the best outcomes for each pupil. We believe both academic and social learning can help raise self-esteem and provide young people with the skills to achieve their goals.
Parents are given regular updates about their child's progress through twice yearly reports, annual reviews of EHCPs and Parent Consultation Evenings. They are able to contribute to the education of their child and support their learning and progress.
All subjects are taught by fully qualified teachers who receive their own continuous professional development and training to stay up-to-date with knowledge of different conditions, thus meeting the needs of the pupils plus staying abreast of any changes to course specifications and best practice in the classroom.
Academic progress is monitored across all Key Stages. This means that individual strategies can be put in place where difficulties in a subject can be identified and exceptional achievement can be celebrated as a school. You can read more about our whole school here Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact
At High Close, we work tirelessly to build the aspirations of our young people and expose them to a range of experiences to helps them achieve goals and become successful not just to include academic progress, but to also meet their social and emotional needs. Further information about Cultural Capital can be found here
Classwork across Key Stages 2, 3 and 4 offers a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum to engage students and aims to make education a positive experience. We work hard to be creative in our approach to meet the needs of each pupil.
Our aim is that pupils will be prepared, by Year 11, to work through their academic courses and achieve qualifications which will enable them to attend college courses, training and employment when they leave.
Here is a list of the qualifications offered at High Close:
Art - ASDAN Expressive Arts Short Course
ASDAN Personal Development Programmes
ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE)
Design & Technology - NCFE Level 2 Award in Creative Craft
Design & Technology - AIMVOC Construction
English Language – Entry Level Certificate
English Language – Functional Skills Levels 1 & 2
English Language – GCSE
History - ASDAN Short Course
Humanities - ASDAN Short Course
ICT – Functional Skills Entry Level Certificate
ICT – Functional Skills Levels 1 and 2
Mathematics – Entry Level Certificate
Mathematics – Functional Skills Levels 1 and 2
Mathematics – Edexcel Awards
Mathematics – iGCSE
Science - Entry Level Certificate
Science – BTEC Applied Science
Sport – Entry Level Certificate in Physical Education
Sport – Cambridge Nationals in Sports Science Level 1 and 2
Sport - GCSE in Physical Education
Sport - AIMVOC