Therapeutic Support
One of the most important ways in which we help our young people gain a strong sense of psychological safety is through the provision of high-quality therapy by members of our clinical therapy team.
Universal Offer
Every young person at High Close School will be provided with:
A place of learning where everyone feels physically and emotionally safe and secure.
A nurturing approach and therapeutic milieu across the school.
Consistent modelling of positive interactions
Small classes.
Classroom based OT strategies for regulation
High adult-pupil ratio.
A broad, balanced, aspirational curriculum, including many enrichment opportunities.
Classroom tools to help access learning eg coloured filters or reading pens
Highly trained teachers and learning support staff who understand the emotional aspects of learning and the difficulties our young people face.
Highly trained unit staff who will assist all pupils in their personal and academic development.
Quality careers information and guidance.
Equal access and opportunity for all.
A safe, spacious, green outdoor environment for sensory breaks and sporting activities.
Regular P.E. lessons to enable pupils to burn off nervous/pent-up energy as well as improving physical wellbeing.
Daily opportunities to learn and practice social and emotional (regulation) skills, both structured and unstructured
Anne-Marie is a MBACP and APT, she completed the following accredited courses: BA degree in Psychology at Oakwood University USA 1988. Master of Art degree in Psychodynamic Counselling 2006 at Reading University. STOP-targeted at parents of children and young people with antisocial behaviour. Human Givens Diploma Midfield College. She is a Triple P Positive Parenting Trained Practitioner from The University of Queensland 2009 (Group Triple P; Group Teens Triple P; Pathways Triple P & Enhanced Triple P) A Postgraduate Diploma in CBT and other Evidence Based Intervention for Children and Young People 2013 UCL. DBT which resulted in her becoming a qualified Dialectal Behaviour Therapist with the Association of Psychological Therapies 2022. Anne-Marie has completed a range of Mental health training courses, including Understanding depression, low mood, self-harm, suicidal thoughts Reading University, She has undertaken others training courses in Neurodivergent ASD and ADHD Kent University. She has completed a range of management training including Middle Leadership, Developing Management Skills, Mentorship.
Anne-Marie has worked for over 35 years with complex children, young and families from a practitioner level to manager with strategical lead. She comes with a background of working and managing multidisciplinary teams. Anne-Marie has worked with local Authorities Lambeth, Kensington and Chelsea as an Education Welfare Officer and then Reading Borough Council when she moved into the role of management as Exclusion and Reintegration Manager, Behaviour Support Manager and a Clinical Manager for a multi-disciplinary team. She has experience working in a strategical role closely with Headteachers and other senior leadership teams to creatively support the inclusion agenda for SEN/Pupils of risk of exclusions / Teenage Pregnancy and BME children. In her Clinical role she worked closely with schools to understand children experiencing mental health challenges; she set up the counselling provisions in schools by introducing No5 and other interventions to support children who were disaffected or battling with mental health issues. She provided counselling to adults, children and young people and completed clinical assessments. Anne-Marie believes every child/ young person's behaviour is a means of communicating their distress or challenges.
As therapeutic team we have a duty to work with every child who meets our clinical threshold and seeks and wants support. We work without judgement or bias to help them understand how their emotions and thoughts impact on their behaviour and to ultimately help them to acquire skills to enable then to live more fulfilling lives rather than being disabled by their past.
Octavia is a qualified Speech and Language Therapist who is a member of both the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and the Health Care Professionals Council.
Octavia graduated with an honours degree in Speech and Language Therapy from the University of Reading. She has experience in working with a wide range of children and young people with various conditions and diagnosis. These include Autism, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Language Disorder, Verbal Dyspraxia and Social Communication difficulties. She is also trained in delivering Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills training.
Octavia believes in providing bespoke therapy and support to children and young people to ensure they have the communication skills to fulfil their academic potential, maximise their access to other therapies, and form and maintain meaningful relationships with both adults and peers.
Melisia graduated with a BA degree in Communication from the University of Johannesburg in 1988. She has worked at High Close School as a Speech and Language Therapy assistant since 2018 where she delivers 1:1 SALT therapy as well as run group aimed at improving social and emotional communications. She does ongoing accredited training and is qualified to deliver Colourful Semantics, Social Stories, Self –Esteem work and DBT groups. She has also introduced and run a weekly chess club at school where opponents of all abilities are welcome.
Kayleigh has just joined the team from the Day Pastoral Team and brings a wealthy of knowledge with her about the young people and how to integrate OT into the all elements of school life
All our young people are assessed when they first come to the school by the therapy team so a personalised plan can be put in place for them. This plan might not always be delivered by the clinical staff directly but all young people are monitored and level of interventions will change following a graduated response.
Speech and Language Therapy
There are programmes devised for individual work or work within class. This can range from playing turn taking games, to activities designed to work on social interaction or memory.
The work can be carried out in class or in a small group or 1:1 with our Speech and Language therapist.
Occupational Therapy
The Occupational Therapist works closely with the teaching staff to develop appropriate programmes these can include but are not exclusive to a sensory diet, an OT plan, or a range of exercises.
Talking and Play Therapy
At High Close there are opportunities for confidential counselling service on request.