Information for Parents and carers

Your young person will be assigned a key worker in the residential units or a link worker in the day units. They will, along side the tutor, be in regular contact with you as parents and carers to give you updates and ensure we work as one team to help support your young person through their school days.

Please ensure you have downloaded the ParentHub App and sign up to the High Close feed for up to date information from the school.



The uniform at High Close is designed to be comfortable and meet the sensory needs of the students.

Young people will be expected to wear black clothes on their bottom half and a light blue shirt on the top half. For both the blue and black elements the style of clothes can be down to the young person to help with sensory needs or preference, but we ask that all clothes are appropriate for school. We ask that that parents and carers are responsible for sourcing this uniform for school.

We provide each child with a black hoodie with the High Close logo. One replacement hoodie can be sought each academic year. If additional hoodies are required then this will incur a cost.

If your child is eligible for pupil premium or you require financial support please speak to your child’s link or Key worker.


Attendance at school is compulsory if your child is over 5 years of age. If your young person is unwell or unable to attend school, please let us know first thing in the morning on each day of absence. For more information on attendance please refer to the school Attendance Policy

Bags and Equipment

The school will provide all the equipment that is needed for learning during the lesson that is needed. Any bags that are brought to school are expected to be handed in at the start of the school day and young people do not carry bags with them unless there is a medical need. Water bottles are the only exception to this if they are used for their intended purpose.

At High Close School we do not set daily homework for young people. We believe that attending school and concentrating all day long is a big enough challenge. We also believe that school should not be the cause of any conflict within the home. We do offer independent learning opportunities that young people can explore in their own time and at Key Stage 4 we signpost to relevant revision experiences.



CEOP is a command of the National Crime Agency and is dedicated to tackling the sexual abuse and exploitation of children and young people. CEOP helps children and young people under the age of 18 who have been forced or manipulated into taking part, or are being pressured to take part, in sexual activity of any kind. This can be both online and offline. The CEOP Safety Centre offers information and advice for children and young people, parents and carers and professionals. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the Click CEOP button.

Online bullying or other online concerns should not be reported to CEOP and children and young people should be directed to speak to an adult they trust, and/or referred to Childline, if they would like to speak to someone about how they are feeling

We have created a short series of videos to support parents and carers in keeping their young people safe online. You may already be aware of lots of this information but it is based on frequently asked questions from families we work with.

Online safety Briefings

If you have any queries or would like further information, please speak to the staff that work with your young person or contact Baljeet Hodges in the Family Resource Team or Natalie Potter, Leader for Care.

Online Safety

Self Harm support

Supporting young people who self harm can be very difficult. The school can offer general support and advice through liaison with our therapy team and can sign post to other external supports. Please speak to your young person’s keyworker, link worker or tutor or the family resource team if you have worries or concerns in this area.


All meals are supplied by the school as part of the provision and cooked from fresh ingredients every day. However, if you think you are eligible for ‘free school meals’ pupil premium due to levels of income in your family please still apply for it as the addition funding will benefit your young person in other ways including additional activities, help with uniform and other resources.

If you would prefer to provide a packed lunch, this is welcomed but we ask that the contents contain a balance meal.

In the event that the school is forced to close due to bad weather, a notice will be placed on the home page of the website by 7am that day. Information will also be posted on Parent Hub, on X (@high_close) and on the school Facebook page (@HighCloseSchool)

Snow Days

Please call the absence line on 0118 978 5767 as early as possible when you believe your young person is not fit for school. Please can you state your name, the student’s name and the reason they are absent on that day. If they are absent for multiple days please contact us each morning until they are back at school.



Please note that, other than pick up and drop off, there is no available parking for non-school staff on site during the school day. Please find alternative parking off site when attending meetings and other visits