Information for Local Authorities

Referral Info

If you think our school would meet the needs of one of your young people please send the following documentation to

  • The most recent EHCP

  • Last Annual review documents

  • Any advice from the Educational Psychologist or other professionals who have conducted an assessment

  • Any Child in Need/Child Protection/Child in Care information and any information from social care services

  • Report from CAMHS where there has been involvement

  • Academic attainment and progress levels

Please state if it is a day or residential place that is needed

We have limited places and the referral will move forward quicker if you can supply all the correct, up to date information at the point of initial consultation.

Please refer to our POLICIES PAGE for Statement of Purpose and Function and other policies.


The school referrals panel meetS every week during term time only.

The school will not respond to new referrals while it is closed during holiday periods.

High Close is a Non-Maintained Residential Special School and is not Section 41 listed.


You are welcome to visit our school and see our facilities first hand to help better inform your decision making process and be a more informed contact point for your parents. Please email to organise a visit.

Unfortunately, we do not have capacity to offer tours for all your parents before they are in the referrals process. We ask that you refer them to this website for information until we extend an invitation to visit.