Leaving High Close and Transition Support
The school works closely with all students, parents and carers in Years 10 and 11 to ensure their transition to further education or the world of work is as smooth as possible. We keep in contact with our students for a year after they have left us and support them where necessary.
At High Close we aim to provide all our Year 11 students with the necessary tools to equip them for life at College or in an Apprenticeship. All of our students go on to access post-16 provision that meets their needs, achieving great success in their new placements.
Looking forward to the process
Initial discussions take place in the Year 10 Annual Reviews. This helps us to start looking into the right areas of interests.
Most of the Post-16 transition work happens in Year 11. Course options are discussed at length and students are guided through the various stages of looking for and enrolling into College or Apprenticeships roles. For local colleges, visits are arranged and taster days can be booked with support plans starting to be put in place. For students who are looking further afield, the Coordinator can assist the Parents and Carers as they arrange visits and taster days.
The final application is made by the Parents and Carers, who can seek advice from the school at any time.