Pastoral Support for day students
Redwood and oak - the Secondary day units
“Pastoral care embodies all that a first-rate parent would do, with staff ready to provide sensitive support without judgement” Care Ofsted November 2021
The day unit handbooks can be found on our policies page
The main focus of the day unit teams is to build positive relationships with the young people. We work closely with the teaching and residential units across campus to help the young people change, grow and develop, responding in turn to each young person's individual needs.
In our caring community we strive to engage with the young people we work with in a sensitive, caring and consistent manner. The environment we provide helps our young people to feel safe, cared for and valued. We value the importance of knowing the child and use behaviour support techniques that empower our young people, helping them to develop new strategies, responses and make confident choices between alternative courses of thought and action. The self-confident choices our young people make will promote positive social and emotional maturity and life choices.
To support our therapeutic crisis led approach, each young person will have a dedicated link worker. The linkworker will be the initial contact for the young person building those supportive, positive relationships they will also be main contact for parent’s carers and other professionals. Working closely with the young person to create plans and other supportive strategies for the young person to achieve their full potential.
There are two Day Units, Oak who wear a grey polo shirt and Redwood who wear a green polo shirt. Each of these Units has a Team Leader, Senior Linkworker and 2 Linkworkers. As stated, all the young people are allocated a Linkworker, however the day unit staff support all the young people across campus.
The young people should arrive between 8.30am and 8.50am (school time). However, if you require some support in the mornings, speak to the Team Leaders to arrange an early provision after 8am.
Young people return to their unit for break and lunchtime for some down time. The Day Unit staff are also available to offer support to the young people during the school day.
The school day for young people finishes at 3.20pm Monday to Thursday and 1.40pm on a Friday.
Each young person has an allocated Linkworker. They will act as an advocate for their young people and this includes:
Being a linkworker for the young people to turn to and rely on.
Completing targeted work around certain topics, if required.
Being the contact with parents/carers/external professionals.
Attending meetings
Supporting young people to develop their social emotional and interaction skills and learn how to develop positive and healthy relationships.
Supporting the young people in their education and speaking regularly with tutors to support their progress.
Although young people have a linkworker they can speak to any member of staff on campus about any worries, concerns or anything they may need or require.
When a referral is put in for a young person to High Close and it is felt that we may be able to meet the needs of the young person, they will be invited for a number of taster days. If these taster days are successful, a formal offer will be made. There will then be an admissions meeting. Young people will have various assessments in their first few weeks at High Close to ensure we can offer the right support to them.
Just as we provide a tailored start to a young person’s time at High Close School, we also offer the same when the time comes for a young person to start thinking about moving on after year 11.
We have a dedicated team that supports young people with work experience, college visits and all things post-16.
Relationships with parents and carers (as well as social workers where relevant) are very important at High Close School. We believe in working closely with parents and carers and any appropriate external professionals in order to provide the best care, success and prospects for our young people.
Linkworkers provide parents, carers, and social workers weekly handovers of the young people's weeks and ask for this in return after weekends and holidays so that they can provide any support that may be needed.
Some examples of how High Close School liaise with parents, carers and social workers include:
Being invited to annual reviews
Involvement in any updates made to the young people’s Individual Behaviour Support Plan/Individual Risk Assessment and other documentation High Close use to support the young people.
Staff within the day units are available throughout the week to talk to parents and carers about any issues that might arise for young people and can offer advice and support. Staff will also celebrate the achievements of young people with parents and carers.
Tutor System
Every class in the school has a designated tutor who meets them every day to take the register and check in with the young people. The tutors monitor the EHCP outcomes for each young person and support them in their academic journey through the school.
The tutor works closely with the young people’s allocated link and key workers to give the best possible guidance and support
“The care staff team and teachers work collaboratively and consistently to provide stability. They hold joint accountability to ensure that children are on a continual journey of learning and improvement in all aspects of their development” Care Ofsted November 2021