

Protective Measures at High Close School

There is no longer any specific school guidance surrounding coronavirus.

Positive Case of COVID 19

From 1st April 2022:

If a child or young person tests positive for Covid-19 they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days. This starts from the day after they did the test. They can return to school after 3 days if they are well enough and do not have a high temperature.

If a child of young person is unwell but you do not know if it is Covid, then usual illness absence applies. Young people should stay at home if they are not well enough to attend school and only return if they are well enough and do not have a high temperature.

Face Masks and coverings

Face masks are not currently part of guidance for schools. All staff and young people can still wear masks if they choose to. Masks will likely not be worn in classrooms to aid effective communication.


Where possible, classrooms and office areas will have windows and/or doors open to help keep the school ventilated. This will lower the over temperature of the buildings and we recommend that students come to school with their school jumper and their fleece to help keep them warm enough.

FUll or Partial School Closures

We will work hard to keep the school open to all young people as much as possible. There may be times, due to staff shortages from Covid, that there is a need for partial closure of the school, if this happens we will be in contact with affected young people and their families.

If there is an outbreak in the school and we are advised to, we may have to fully close the school site. In the event or full or partial closure we will provide remote learning for the young people to access at home.

Mass testing

Unless we are guided by public health there will no longer be any mass testing at High Close School. We will not be providing any test kits for staff or students at the school.

Social Distancing

All Young people are encouraged to minimise any person to person contact when on site at High Close. Staff will also try to maintain effective distance between themselves and the young people but we are aware there may be times when this is not possible. In the main school buildings there are one way systems to help avoid unnecessary contact.

Visitors to site

We no longer have restrictions regarding visitors to site, however, we have found that several meetings work well virtually eg. Annual Reviews and these will continue in this mannor.

CleaNing Rotas and Handwashing

All classrooms and contact points will be cleaned regularly and all students and staff will be encouraged to maintain high standards of cleanliness including handwashing where required.