High Close School

High Close School

We believe in children and work with hope to encourage young people to reach their full potential.

Teaching and Learning

We have tailored our curriculum to the needs of our young people and deliver it in manageable chunks so everyone can progress and achieve what ever their starting point.


We are able to offer therapy sessions and support on site for a range of needs including OT and SALT as well as an offer in CBT and DBT

“Staff are skilled at listening and responding to children, including those who are communicating through their behaviour…This means that children benefit from exceptional care and support so that they can reach their full potential” Care Ofsted November 2021

Lunch menu for this week

Residential Care

Our outstanding residential provision gives a term time weekly boarding opportunity. Our fully fitted and comfortable units are located on site and support our young people to become more independent ready for adult life.

High Close School is part of Barnardo’s Children’s Charity

Click the link below to learn more about the Charity as a whole

Welcome from the Principal

It is my fundamental belief that every young person, regardless of their background, previous life experience or the challenges they may have faced, should have the same opportunities as their peers in an environment that can meet their needs. I believe that our expectations for our young people should be realistic but ambitious and we will work together to make them a reality for the young people in our school.

Our highly skilled team of staff recognise the increasing pressure placed on young people today and take an approach that helps them to take ownership and responsibility for their learning and behaviour. We will teach strategies to improve resilience and promote co and self regulation in preparation for adult life.

Mrs Wendy Gosling, Principal

We offer a trauma informed but traditional school experience equivalent to mainstream with outcomes that includes recognised qualifications at the end of KS4. We do this in small classes with exceptional teaching staff, high levels of pastoral care and therapeutic support.